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What is the Arctic? The Arctic is a very cold region located in the northern or north part of our planet and surrounding the North Pole. The Arctic includes Greenland,. Parts of Canada, Russia, Alaska, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, the neighboring islands and the Arctic Ocean. Amazing polar phenomena, endemic fauna, unique landscapes and balance in global temperature, is part of what gives us this wonderful natural paradise. Learn the most interesting facts about the Arctic.
Interesting facts about chimpanzees, hominid species of apes native to Africa. Habitat, distribution, feeding, reproduction, communication and all the information about chimpanzees. There are two species of chimpanzees, the common chimpanzee and the bonobo.
Facts about Crocodiles, Anatomy, Habitat, Feeding, Reprodution, Predators and more. Saltwater Crocodile, American Alligator, American Crocodile, Black Caiman, Cuban Crocodile, Gharial. The fastest a crocodile has been recorded on land is 11 miles per hour. You just never know what a crocodile is going to do. They can be slowly moving along or just observing the surroundings.
Deer are rummiant mammals that belong to the family Cervidae. Deer habitat, reproduction, feeding, distribution, anatomy, predators, social structure, communication and more. There is a huge range of deer species, from the moose to the small padu. They are found most part of the world. Deer Threats and Conservation efforts. There are several species of deer considered as endangered. The term deer covers a wide .
Elephants are the largest of all land animals in the world. There are two species, the African and the Asian Elephants. Feeding, Anatomy, Habitat, Distribution, Predators and all the information about elephants. Facts about Elephants, African Elephants and Asian Elephants.
It is considered as the fastest animal on land in the entire world. The Jaguar is the only member of the panthera species found in the Americas. Lions are the second living cats after the tigers, reaching some males up to 250 kg.
There are only four species of flamingos in the Americas and two in the old world. Feeding, anatomy, habitat, distribution, reproduction, predators and all the information about flamingos. There are only six known species of flamingos in the world. Four in the American continent and two in the old world. There are many volunteers out there that work to get injured Flamingos the help that they need.
The fox is said to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Anatomy, reproduction, feeding, habitat, predators, distribution and all the information about foxes. Foxes have been hunt for centuries. Even more, in some European countries the fox hunt has been a tradition. They may be sick, d.
Giraffes are the tallest land animals in the world. They are native to Africa and belong to the order artiodactyls or even-toed ungulates. Anatomy, feeding, habitat, evolution, predators and many more topics that all followers of these beautiful animals should know. Most of us have heard a lot about giraffes, and we have enjoyed watching their impressive size in zoos.
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Explora la natura, explora el museu. Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona. I col labora amb el museu. La natura a través del museu. Guia De Fons i Col leccions. Tipus, origen i abast de les col leccions del Museu. Cartografia de la diversitat biològica de les col leccions.
Acerca De La Vida! Lo invita a utilizar este portal de información sobre biodiversidad, en el que podrá compartir lo que observa en la naturaleza, aprender de ella e intercambiar información con otros ciudadanos naturalistas. Sendero de entrada, Parque Ambiental Río Loro. Visitando las flores de rabo de gato. Sendero de entrada, Parque Municipal Río Loro. Estaba anidando, recogiendo musgo. Parque Ambiental Municipal Rio Loro.
We have been developing and applying quantum and classical multiscale molecular modeling methods, as well as methods of bioinformatics and biomedical informatics. Static and dynamical modeling of complex biomolecular systems,. Activities of Topoisomerase I in Its Complex with SRSF1. A genistein derivative, ITB-301, induces microtubule depolymerization and mitotic arrest in multidrug-resistant ovarian cancer.